Final year project

Students of the Theatre Studies Department of the University of the Peloponnese, are strongly encouraged to undertake a Final Year Project in place of 4 elective courses.
The length of the FYP is up to 10,000 words for theoretical topics and for artistic projects the required length of the written part is 4,000 to 5,000 words while the presentation of the creative part may last up to 2 hours (re: performances and film).
All FY projects are examined by the supervisor plus an internal examiner (another member of the Departmental Staff).
Students who apply for a FY project, need to have passed a ‘research methodology course’, to be on the final year of their studies, to have passed all courses but 7, and to have found a topic and an appropriate supervisor. The application needs to be submitted to the Department’s Secretary before the term when the student intends to start on the project begins. In the FYP, students are expected to show command of relevant bibliography of a topic, to be able to develop an argument and thoughfully discuss a topic with support of appropriate literature and/or produce a complete piece of creative work in costume, scenography, directing, acting, dance. It should be noted that Plagiarism incurs severe penalties.
There is a special Final Year Project Committee that takes care of all details of the projects.


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